
這個理念代表公司的品格,也是所有同仁必須遵守的最基本與最重要的法則。誠實且信守承諾,無論對內對外,一旦有所約定,必定執行到底,達成任務。正直而不取巧、不投機、不隱瞞的工作態度是我們的要求,品格操守 是我們用人的首要條件。

Integrity and integrity are our most important principles

This concept represents the company's character and is also the most basic and important rule that all colleagues must abide by.Be honest and keep your promises. No matter internal or external, once you make an agreement, you must implement it to the end and complete the task.We require a work attitude of integrity and no cheating, no speculation, and no concealment. Character and integrity are the primary conditions for our employment.




Courage and responsibility are the attitudes we require

Whether internally or externally, we have the courage to face challenges directly and raise issues to discuss solutions together. Do not ignore or avoid the problems faced by your work, do not be afraid of the blame when you encounter failure, and have the courage to take responsibility and take responsibility.



「品質」對客戶而言,致力提供客戶滿意的優良產品,還有良好的服務態度以及盡責的施工態度。我們追求「客戶全面滿意」,這就是「品質」,就是我們工作與服務的原則!「品質」對公司內部而言,是自己的工作態度、溝通方式、堅持對自己工作的要求、捍衛自己的工作目標及使命。採取主動積極作為,做好自主檢查及工作追蹤, 就事論事以達盡善盡美,使同仁滿意,使各部門間的溝通協調達到最有效率的方式,就是工作品質。我們與協力商(含供應商)視為夥伴,追求品質、技術、服務、效率、利潤的共同成長與提升,以利長期的合作發展。

Quality and service are our principles

"Quality" for customers, we are committed to providing excellent products that satisfy customers, as well as a good service attitude and a responsible construction attitude. We pursue "total customer satisfaction", which is "quality" and the principle of our work and service!"Quality" within the company refers to one's own work attitude, communication methods, insistence on the requirements for one's own work, and defense of one's work goals and mission. The best way to take proactive actions, do independent inspections and work tracking, and discuss matters as they are to achieve perfection, satisfy colleagues, and achieve the most efficient communication and coordination between departments is work quality. We treat our partners (including suppliers) as partners and pursue the common growth and improvement of quality, technology, service, efficiency, and profits to facilitate long-term cooperative development.



我們的本業是「專業消防服務」,積極從事本業的鑽研。致力於消防系統等專業之設計、設備供應、安裝、維護等工作,培植消防工程專業技術與人才、深耕「消防服務」之消防事業。營造樂於溝通的環境,重視團隊合作,同仁間互相以誠信、坦率、合作相待,透過集思廣益接受各方看法。目標訂定後,團結一致、不分你我、集中力 量、戮力以赴,帶領團隊達成目標。

Focus on the industry and pay attention to teamwork spirit

Our main industry is "professional fire protection services" and we are actively engaged in research in this industry. Committed to the design, equipment supply, installation, and maintenance of fire protection systems and other majors, it cultivates professional skills and talents in fire protection engineering, and deeply cultivates the fire protection business of "fire protection services". Create an environment that is open to communication, value teamwork, treat each other with integrity, candor, and cooperation, and accept the opinions of all parties through brainstorming. After the goal is set, unite as one, regardless of you and me, concentrate your efforts, and go all out to lead the team to achieve the goal.



① 氣體消防規劃設計| ② 設備供貨及安裝
氣體消防包括:潔淨氣體自動滅火系統(如Novec-1230、FM-200、FE−13、IG-01、IG−100、IG-55和 IG-541等等) 氣溶膠滅火系統、簡易廚房滅火系統、CO2滅火系統及細水霧自動滅火系統等消防安全設備,其評估、規劃、設計、施工及安裝應委託消防設備工程師及符合規定的消防廠商,依照NFPA 2001及台灣相關 消防法規(如《各地消防安全設備安裝標準》等)及現場狀況處理。

Committed to becoming the most professional gas fire protection company in Taiwan

① Planning and design of gas fire protection | ② Equipment supply and installation of gas fire protection
Planning and design of gas fire protection Equipment supply and installation of gas fire protection Gas fire protection includes: clean gas automatic fire extinguishing system (such as Novec-1230,FM-200, FE−13, IG−01, IG−100, IG-55 and IG-541),Aerosol fire extinguishing systems (such as Aerosol), simple kitchen fire extinguishing systems, CO2 fire extinguishing systems and water mist automatic fire extinguishing system fire safety equipment have their own technical expertise, and their evaluation, planning, design, construction and installation should be entrusted to the fire protection equipment Engineers and manufacturers that comply with the regulations will handle the matter in accordance with NFPA 2001 and Taiwan's relevant fire regulations (such as "Fire Safety Equipment Installation Standards for Various Places", etc.) and on-site conditions.
Please believe our professional and sincere attitude.
I hope you and I can become permanent partners.

力景集團/AEviso Group